There are so many profound writers such as the age-old icons like Jiddu Krishnamurthy who wrote on mindfulness in the fifties where you simply observe and come up with your own understanding than following a certain preordained path. When I read his book Reader years ago, I thought, wow, I don’t need to do anything, but just observe and be still mostly to learn, live and think independently. Peace is expected to follow with that liberating freedom of thought. Is mindfulness or meditative living the same concept? I don’t want to reexplain like a broken record what others wrote on mindfulness. That said, I want to illustrate the commonality of the phrases and words we hear in so many different iterations as follows. The final deal is, it must sink in, when you are ready to latch on. Peace and happiness are perhaps not that profoundly exclusive or elusive to attain. It is the simplicity of the concept to keep within reach for all of us.
Go with the flow, come to senses, be aware, pay attention, silence is golden, practice tolerance, be in the moment, get real, being in the now, don’t try too hard, hear with eyes and see with ears, take perspective, pull yourself together, stop and think, do not rush, slow down, easy now, hear more, masterly inactivity, be present, radical acceptance, let it go, let it be, Zen mode, do not control what you cannot, and mindfulness, indeed! These are endless string of verbs ready to adapt when you are ready. Pick one that you like.
Penny finally dropped for me (for now). I was reading- the grand dame of the movie script writing- Nora Ephron’s ‘I remember nothing’ (on all that she actually remembers quite well). She writes what are the most beautiful pieces of life, a crescendo, that she appreciates in her memoir: Dog wood, Jane Austen, walks with your loved one, dinner parties with friends, and dinner with friends in a town where none of you have ever been, and ofcourse being healthy. Looking at the dogwoods in my porch and recollecting being lost in the joy of capturing the intricate mindful restraint of Elizabeth in Jane Austen, and joys of dinner parties, I understand that these are the elements that are simple and graceful that are right there to define the joys of life. I told myself, I agree, just look at what you experience/d. It is finite. There is perhaps nothing more. Finding happiness or peace is not like finding water in the oasis. It may well be an amalgam of thinking independently, practicing Zen with awareness, and recounting your crescendos of life’s delights.
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