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Setting Pace

I often wondered how slow is a good slow pace. Actually, I thought many times of anchors that can check if I am at a desirable steady slow pace. A pace that brings mental equilibrium to a steady center without rushing around. I often reflect on Daniel Kahneman’s book, Thinking, Fast and Slow. I wonder and almost believe that the key to doing things at an optimal fast pace most times is to actually slow down. This morning, I walk slowly to the dishwasher and empty the contents ever so slowly, and methodically. I take my time. It got done. No fuss. Then I do the next task. Ultimately all things get done. That wave or even an avalanche of things to accomplish will melt with time. So I set the pace for myself by self testing if I am rushing doing mundane things that I used to think are pesky, wasting my time or am I giving them the time they deserve. I add more things to the mundane list as anchors in life’s routine. Like oil in the well oiled life.

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