Stress is Not Helpful!

When our son said, “Stress is not helpful to get to good goals. It does not help in anyway. It is useless. So why stay in that space?”, it made sense to me. I know he is telling it to himself to believe it. This simple sentence seemed powerful, perhaps because it is coming from our thoughtful sonny and I am gullible. But I connected it to the story that I was told by my mentor Fr. Theckmury SJ way back. Two teens were waiting for the exam result. One went to play a fabulous tennis game and the other sat on the curb worrying. Both passed the exam, second one wasted the time worrying. We ofcourse do not choose to worry. But it happens. I believe that if we constantly open ourselves to appreciate life as is in the moment and anchor to looking out to give, do good, or live in the moment observing if nothing else, we may be winning! Shift to peaceful space.


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