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Dr Mani Pavuluri Blog

Let’s be Kind

Holidays and Adaptability

Holidays are here and everyone loves the merry season. Time away from regular schedules with a pause button to slow down and hopefully bringing people together. Gaiety in the air with Christmas music everywhere manufactured or otherwise is all around us. One may generally like that music, but it may not always sync with your state of mind. How about we get into a mindset of easing our minds into being ensconced with joy, peace, and love- the perfect cliche- no matter what is dragging you away from it. So?!

When things are not as perfect as you want to be- Say tree is not decorated, actually no tree, kids are opening up presents ahead of time and fighting, presents are yet to be wrapped, while others do not participate or take it seriously the things that need to get done leading up to the climax, or no energy to shop for them, trash all around, messy home, family is not around to follow traditions, issues with divided families and many more reasons to complain.  Whether you are rich or poor does not really matter- Honestly, there are struggles everywhere.  You may be stressing over the humungous decorations till small hours of the day; while some others who are barely making it financially (it is all relative) or may have “just enough” hard-earned bonus money spent on an overwhelming number of presents.

I say KEEP IT SIMPLE: Create your own storyboard. Your life is yours alone.

Traditions can shift. When families are not around or accessible, our friends become those permanent fixtures of life. If one of you is working on X mas day, why not have a holiday party another day? If the tree is too much to decorate, and only you had to do it and no one in the family helps, and it is hard to lug it all, shelve the tree idea till there are a group effort and inclination in the future. Buy gifts online perhaps and don’t stand in lines. As someone polled, 70% do not recall what they got for X Mas last year. Try and obsess less maybe, but get something not as a surprise, or even on post X Mas sale (I say this is possible if you have logical adult children). Am I starting to sound like a Grinch? Regardless of which holiday, similar principles apply, right?!

When you feel alone, and there are simply no friends that you feel close to, why not binge on some cool comedy or any genre you like on Netflix or Youtube? Dive into a good book that transports you to a different stratosphere? I like to quote Mariska Hargitay: “No one can take away your pain, so don’t let anyone take away your happiness.” Don’t bury your inner strength under the layers of self-doubt.  Instead, indulge in scanning and tending to your valuable gentle inner self that is rich and strong.

I think we all like connectivity and being loved and linked to people. Let’s love back our loved ones, give that full precious attention, and stay in the moment. That is the biggest and the best gift of all.

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