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Helping Teachers

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom- Viktor E. Frankl

This quote anchors me in daily life. It is amazing to note that the teachings of mindfulness appear in so many different ways including this very saying! Today, when I said to a friend that every day is precious since I read Tuesdays with Morrie, he reminded me of even the 12 steps program in AA reminds one to live one day at a time. I wonder if we read and think of defining messages that pop out in all that we read or were told as cliches until some disaster hits us. That is when you really begin to realize that things do occur that are beyond your control. You relearn to live with fortified strength and peace as you reconcile each day to do the best you can. That is all you can. So I think you must kick life into life and appreciate the gift of today. I am.