Different Stories for Different Parts that Make All of You

I want to begin by asking a question if you ever thought of what the different parts of who you are- did you ever find a quiet time to reflect on the roles you play? The things you do? Different sides of you? Actually, I like to say aspects or parts of you as sides may mean you are all split up and walled off to a side!  Next time you think you are bored, I propose this great exercise to combat the emptiness or boredom. To fill the mind with some thoughtful reflection of integrating all parts of you and discovering your formidable strength.

The background thinking I want to weave into this conversation is how folk like Gandhi and Nelson Mandela completely indulged in saving their countries. They sacrificed a great deal such as roles of being husbands for something astronomical. I understand what is needed in such magnanimous roles where there is no balance possible. But for the rest of the general population, there is room not to be boxed into one single identity. I know of a friend who is a professional that talks constantly about her work that takes up all the space of her conversation and colors the entire family life with that intensity. I often wish for her to have a party trick, or let herself loose a bit, and enjoy her gifts instead of taking herself so seriously. Even at a larger scope, Trump is not America, or Chicago is not just about gun violence. There is much more. There are many dimensions to how you can cut the pie. You get the idea.

There are stories of growing up, stories of heroes that interface in your life, stories of roles you play in life, stories of friendships, life experiences that you overcome or rejoice, adventures as simple as new hobby, or what you observe. You give a gift of entertainment while learning about yourself and adding value to others. Here is something more. You can ask others to tell different stories by asking different questions. It might help others to express more. Think of improvs in perhaps the shows at the Second City in Chicago to get an idea! Don’t limit yourself in your identity by boxing yourself as house-wife, chef, or doctor. We do not need to be monochromatic and boring or super-polychromatic and all over the place with no sense of who you are, right?! There are many parts of you. Let those parts breathe. Scoop them out and tell different stories. There lies all of you. Whole of you.




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